Read Emails from Different Accounts in a Single Account

How many email accounts you have?? Signing in to all accounts to read mails?? Most of us have 2 or more email accounts for different purposes. I know it is not easy to sign out and sign in again and again to different accounts. It takes too much of time. What about reading all mails in a single account? All mails in a single account!
           This is done using 'Email Auto Forwarding' option. This feature is available in most email services like Gmail and Yahoo. As its says when 'Email Auto Forwarding' option is enabled new mails will be automatically forward to a specified email address. Suppose you have 3 accounts A, B and C. A      is the main account and we want to read all mails in A, what we do is enable 'Email Auto Forwarding' for accounts B and C. So that new mails to B and C will be forwarded to A. Simple huh??!! Here are the steps to do that. Currently i am using describing it with Gmail. This option is also available in Yahoo and many other popular email services.

How to Remove Facebook Ads

Are you annoyed of Facebook ads? The advertisements showing at the right side of the Facebook? So in this post i am explaining a cool trick to remove or hide Facebook ads. We are using  addon to block the ads from Facebook. It tooks only a few seconds to install. Simple and Easy. Works with any Browser and any Operating System.

Aakash 2 Review, Price, Full Specifications, Buy Online, More Pictures

Be proud if you are an Indian..!! Indian government launches Aakash 2 for students at Rs 1130. What if i am not a student?? and not in India?? Want to buy Aakash at lower cost?? Read full.
When India launches the first Aakash, a lot complaints were there regarding the hardware specifications. But they don't give back. Recently Indian government launched Aakash 2 on November 11, which has the same price as Aakash. There is a lot of improvement in both hardware and software of Aakash 2.

Send Free SMS to Any Country With Fake Number Anonymously

There are many websites to send sms anonymously. Some of them allow to send without even registration. I have recently posted 4 WEBSITES TO SEND ANONYMOUS SMS WITHOUT REGISTRATION. But this is something different from those.  What about a website which can send sms to any country??!! And the most surprising one is send using a fake number. No need of registration. 100% Free